Astronomical Terms:

The astronomical terms list, is a list of (almsost) all bodies in the universe from commets to quasars, a list of events happening across the cosmos, parts and models, classifications, and famous bodies. This list will give a brief description of what the term is, along with an image so you can get an idea of what the term looks like.

Solar System:

The solar system list is a list of all significant objects in our solar system. There will also be classifications and images. Feel free to filter out what things you want and don't want to get a more personolized list based on your search preferences.

If there is an E after a size or mass, thats how it compares to Earth. Distance means distance from the sun for most objects, and distance to its planet for moons.


The stars list is a list for the top 50 stars closest to us, and the top 50 brightest stars in the night sky. This will include classifications and images. For the top 50 closest stars you can sort by proximity and mass, and you are able to additionally sort by apparent brightness and size for the top 50 brightest stars. Also you can reverse the order (smallest to largest instead of largest to smallest for example). There is also an advanced feature to see more classifications of a star, however it can be intimidating and confusing so we suggest leaving it on the basic mode. Keep in mind that when a star is in a binary/trinary system it will have a letter (A being the most massive star and B/C being least massive)

The mass/size of a star is related to the Sun's mass/size. So if the mass is "1.89", that means that is is 1.89 times greater than Sun's mass. Luminocity is based on a conventional scale, with the lowest number being the brightest, and highest number being the dimmest. Finally, apparent magnetude is how bright it appears to us, and absolute brightness is how bright it is absolutly.


The galaxies list is a list of the galaxies and dwarph galaxies that exist within out local galactic group. This will include classifications and images (shocker). You will also be able to filter dwarf galaxies out. Unforunately there is little information about a lot of the far away dwarf galaxies. They have on average a million solar masses, however some have only a few thousand while others can have up to a billion, but they are small in comparison to the larger galaxies in our local group.


The gallery is a collection of all of the used and unused images we have made throughout this project. If you notice a few images in a *different* art style, the coder tried making a few!

Star Life Style:

The star life cycle page is a map of the life cycles of different types of stars. They vary depending on mass and this shows how the lifecycle of each type of star will play out.


Mobile Use:

This website *does* work on mobile, however it is a lot easier to use on desktop.

Invisible Scrollbar:

To toggle the scrollbar, click 'H', this will make the scrollbar invisible for a cleaner look.


When in the astronomical terms / bodies section, if you click the star, brown dwarf star, or galaxy, it will take you to their classifications respectivly.


Some of the exact measurements may be off, the sources we used weren't fact checked and some measurements are just diffucult to get from millions of light years away. However, it should give you a pretty good idea of what you're trying to find. But to be clear, the point of this website is to educate and get measurements in the ballpark, not as an official source used to collect data.


Who we are:

The person who coded this website with HTML CSS and JavaScript is *Thing 1*, and the person who made the pixel art from scratch is *Thing 2*. We are both in high school and love space.

Why we are doing this:

We both enjoy learning about space and think it should be taught more in schools, we hope by making this website it would be easier for people to learn about astronomy and hopefully inspire kids to become astronomers in the future.

How to support us:

This is not proffitable in any way and we do not plan on putting adds here. We are doing this as a passion project. With that said, if you would like to support us, we would appreciate it if you contacted us with constructive criticism or supportive comments.

How to contact us:

Our email is [AstronomyIndex@gmail.com].


Moon Sizes

Closest Stars

Brightest Stars

Stellar Classification

Biggest Galaxies

Closest Galaxies